Forest seed base of Karelia - from development to stagnation?

Laur N. V., Tsarev A. P.

кафедра лесного хозяйства (Petrozavodsk)


The beginning of constant state forest seed base (FSB) creation in Karelia can be attributed by 1975, when the forest seed station was created in Petrozavodsk. Three years after the same station was created in Olonets. On the basis of these stations subsequently was organized Karelian forest tree breeding centre (KFTBC).

To the present season it is selected 1.8 thousand plus trees (PT) (Pinus sylvestris - 1.3 thousand, Picea abies - 0.4 thousand, Karelian birch - 63, Larix - 18, Pinus contorta 14 PT). The FSB of RК includes more than 0.5 thousand ha of plus stands (pine - 0.35 thousand ha, fur-tree - 0.15 thousand ha), 0.5 thousand ha of seed orchards (scotch pine - 0.38, fur-tree - 0.05, Karelian birch - 0.04 thousand ha), 57 ha of test plantations of P. sylvestris (certificated 14.2 ha), 26,9 ha provenance plantations of pine, 11.5 thousand ha genetic reservations (20 objects). The representation of clones on three species seed orchards comes nearer to 2 thousand.

The estimation of intensity of  breeding measures on unit of forest area shows, that on selection PT it in 4 times is higher in RK, than on the average on Russia and at the same time in 5 times is lower, than in the next Finland. Creation of forest seed orchards (FSO) in RК more intensive, than in Russia more than in 5 times, but less than in Finland almost in 3 times. (Царев a.o., 1996; Царев, Лаур, 2007).

It is to note that recently appeared domestic publications putting under doubt expediency of selection and preservation of PT and plus breeding of forest species as a whole. However offered alternatives carry hypothetical character and are not supported with experiment. At the same time, at all lacks the created FSO are a source of local origin seeds. Besides they give annual industrial crops of seeds and not just per seed years.

At the KFTBC the breeding of the Karelian birch was intensively conducted: since 1984 the controllable crossings of PT were regularly carried out, the hybrid plantations with a high output of the decorative forms were created, the selection inventories and reconstruction of reserve were carried out also.

On southern Karelia there passes northern border of Larix sukaczewii. The KFTBC has selected the best stands in genreservate. Besides the inspection of plantations created in former Finnish territory is begun: the best plantation of larch is estimated as plus stand, the PT are certificated also.

As a whole, despite of backlog from the neighboring countries RK had until recently occupied leading positions on a level of the breeding approaches introduction by creation FSB in Russia. However the tendency to reduce of these works is observed last years. So, if to the beginning of 1996 in RК was selected 2063 PT, ten years after they are remained only 88 %. The selection of new PT didn’t carry out almost. There are remained the plus stands from 581 ha only 89 %, the clone FSO from 561 ha only 85 %. There are the plantations of I generation in RК, and in the neighboring countries the breeders pass to creation of FSO of one and half and second generations (М. Туртиайнен, A. Юнтунен, 2000).

Unfortunately, KFTBC was liquidated in 2008. It carried out the coordination and control of breeding works in republicans forest enterprises, conducted the documentations, carried out testing and reproduction of breeding material. As a consequence the created breeding objects will be destroyed, the genofond of forest species will be worsened, and forest complex will enter a degradation stage. Really for the sake of it all reforms of our forestry last decades were undertaken?

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition